Tuesday 19 February 2013


1. Most common aortic branch involved in Takayasu arteritis : Left subclavian 

2. Most common cause of respiratory distressin newborn : Transient tachypnea of the newborn

3. Most common location to see Asbestosis sequale : Posterior lower lobes

4. Most common karyotype / chromosomal abnormality in USA : Down's syndrome 

5. Most common osseous lymphoma, primary and secondary : Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 

6. Most common primary malignant orbital tumor in childhood : Rhabdomyosarcoma 

7. Most common type of fluid collection in scrotum : Hydrocele 

8. Most common type of liposarcoma to affect children : Myxoid liposarcoma 

9. Most common abdominal emergency of early childhood : Intussusception. 

10. Most common acetabular fracture : Posterior acetabulum. 

11. Most common affected bowel segment in TB : Ileocecal area. 

12. Most common affected joint in gout : First MTP

13. Most common AIDS-related neoplasm : Kaposi Sarcoma 

14. Most common allergic aspergillosis syndrome : Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

15. Most common anatomic variant of pancreas : Pancreas divisum 

16. Most common anomalous course of RCA : Interarteria

17. Most common appearance of Legionella at the peak of the disease : Bilateral airspace consolidation. 

18. Most common assoc. w/ Fx of great toe distal phalanx with physeal involvement :Osteomyelitis

19. Most common associated anomaly with coarctation : Bicuspid valve. 

20. Most common association of PAPVR (Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return) : Sinus venosus type ASD

21. Most common association with small left colon syndrome : Maternal DM 

22. Most common bacterial cause of mesenteric adenitis : Yersinia enterocolitica. 

23. Most common benign cardiac rhythm abnormality : PAC 

24. Most common benign cartilage-containing tumor : Osteochondroma 

25. Most common benign growth of the skeleton : Osteochondroma 

26. Most common benign hepatic lesion : Hemangioma 

27. Most common benign hepatic tumor during fist 6 mo. of life : Infantile Hemangioendothelioma 

28. Most common benign intraconal tumor of the orbit in adults : Cavernous hemangiomas

29. Most common benign masses caused by asbestos exposure : Atelectatic Asbestos Pseudotumo

30. Most common benign mesenchymal tumor of kidney : AML 

31. Most common benign mucosal tumor of the esophagus : Papilloma 

32. Most common benign nasopharyngeal tumor : Juvenile angiofibroma. 

33. Most common benign orbital tumor in childhood : Dermoid Cyst of Orbit 

34. Most common benign ovarian neoplasm in young and middle-aged women (<45 years) :Mature teratoma. 

35. Most common benign radiation-induced tumor of the musculoskeletal system : Osteochondroma 

36. Most common benign rib lesion in an adult : Fibrous dysplasia. 

37. Most common benign soft-tissue tumor of the foot : Plantar fibromatosis 

38. Most common benign soft-tissue tumor of vascular origin : Hemangioma 

39. Most common benign solid tumor in women of childbearing age : Fibroadenoma 

40. Most common benign testicular mass : Simple cyst 

41. Most common benign tumor of spleen : Hemangioma 

42. Most common benign tumor of the larynx : Squamous papilloma 

43. Most common benign tumor of the lung : Hamartoma 

44. Most common benign tumor of the small bowel : GIST 

45. Most common benign vascular gastric tumor : Glomus tumor of stomach. 

46. Most common bilateral testicular tumor : Lymphoma 

47. Most common biliary complication s/p lap. cholecystectomy : Bile duct leak from cystic duct stump

48. Most common biliary complication s/p liver transplantation : Obstruction/stenosis at anastomosis

49. Most common bladder neoplasm in children younger than 10 years : Rhabdomyosarcoma 

50. Most common bone to develop an osteochondroma : Femur (tibia second most common) 

51. Most common brain anomaly on prenatal sonograms : Isolated Mild Ventriculomegaly 

52. Most common breast tumor under age 25 years : Fibroadenoma 

53. Most common cardiac manifestation of Systemic Lupus Erythematous : Pericarditis 

54. Most common cardiac tumor in children : Rhabdomyoma

55. Most common cardiac valvular tumor : Papillary fibroelastoma 

56. Most common carpal dislocation : Transscaphoid perilunate dislocation. 

57. Most common causative organism of acute pyogenic meningitis in adults : Strep. pneumoniae 

58. Most common causative organism of neonatal pyogenic meningitis : E. coli 

59. Most common cause for failure of dialysis graft : Fibrointimal hyperplasia : venous outflow stenosis. 

60. Most common cause for late failure in lung transplant patient : Bronchiolitis obliterans 

61. Most common cause for pulmonary edema : Left-sided heart disease 

62. Most common cause non iatrogenic cause of small bowel obstruction : Hernia 

63. Most common cause of a large choroid plexus cyst : Trisomy 18. 

64. Most common cause of a large pleural fluid collection in the newborn period : Chylothorax 

65. Most common cause of acute renal failure in children requiring dialysis : HUS 

66. Most common cause of acute testicular pain in postpubertal male : Acute epididymitis 

67. Most common cause of acute testicular pain in prepubertal male : Torsion 

68. Most common cause of AIDS cholangiopathy : Cryptosporidium 

69. Most common cause of an echogenic renal mass in a 3-month-old : Mesoblastic nephroma

70. Most common cause of an intraorbital mass lesion in adult : Pseudotumor of Orbit 

71. Most common cause of AS in Western world : Degenerative disease 

72. Most common cause of bilateral breast edema : CHF

73. Most common cause of bilateral echogenic renal cortex : Chronic glomerulonephritis

74. Most common cause of biliary obstruction : Choledocholithiasis 

75. Most common cause of bleeding between menstrual cycles : Endometrial hyperplasia

76. Most common cause of bronchopneumonia : Staphylococcal 

77. Most common cause of cancer deaths in males and females : Bronchogenic Carcinoma 

78. Most common cause of cause of infectious esophagitis : Candida Esophagitis 

79. Most common cause of cavitary (necrotic) pneumonia in a child : Strep pneum. 

80. Most common cause of Charcot joints : Diabetes mellitus 

81. Most common cause of CHF in a child : ALCAPA / aberrant left coronary artery 

82. Most common cause of CHF in a neonate : Hypoplastic Left Heart. 

83. Most common cause of chronic hydronephrosis in renal transplant : UV anastomosis stricture

84. Most common cause of colonic obstruction in adults : Malignancy 

85. Most common cause of colonic obstruction in the infant : Meconium plug syndrome in CF patients 

86. Most common cause of colovesical fistula : Diverticulitis 

87. Most common cause of congenital CNS infection : CMV. 

88. Most common cause of congenital duodenal obstruction : Duodenal atresia

89. Most common cause of congenital sensorineural hearing loss : Giant vestibular aqueduct syndrome 

90. Most common cause of cord ischemia : Thromboembolic disease 

91. Most common cause of coronary artery aneurysm in USA : Atherosclerosis 

92. Most common cause of coronary artery aneurysm Worldwide : Kawasaki 

93. Most common cause of cyanosis in a child : Tetralogy of Fallot 

94. Most common cause of cyanosis n newborn Transposition of great vessels 

95. Most common cause of death in a severe pelvic fracture : Hemorrhage. 

96. Most common cause of death in Ataxia �Telangiectasia : Respiratory failure. 

97. Most common cause of death in Jeune syndrome : Respiratory failure 

98. Most common cause of drop mets : Medulloblastoma 

99. Most common cause of dwarfism : Achondroplasia 

100. Most common cause of echogenic renal pyramids in children : Furosemide 

101. Most common cause of ejaculatory duct obstruction : Mullerian duct cyst ? 

102. Most common cause of endometriosis in girls <16 years of age : Obstructive m�llerian duct anomalies 

103. Most common cause of end-stage renal disease : Diabetic Nephropathy 

104. Most common cause of epididymitis in males aged 15 to 35 years : Sexually transmitted diseases 

105. Most common cause of esophageal rupture : Iatrogenic 

106. Most common cause of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in patients <30 years of age : CF 107. Most common cause of f

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