Tuesday 19 February 2013

Different types of Pulse

Anacrotic pulse :Slow rising, twice beating, both in systole seen in AS

Pulsus bisferiens :Rapid rising, twice beating, both in systole seen in Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis with mild AR

Dicrotic pulse:Twice seating, 1 in systole, 1 in diastole seen in Decreased peripheral resistance and diastolic pressure like
typhoid, CCF, cardiac tamponade, open heart surgery

Pulsus parvus et tardus:Slow rising seen in AS

Pulsus alternans:Strong and weak beats alternately seen in Left ventricular failure, toxic myocarditis, paroxysmal tachycardia, following a premature beat

Pulsus paradoxus:Systemic blood pressure falls more than 10 mm of Hg on inspiration seen in Superior vena cava obstruction,
COPD, pericardial effusion, severe CCF, constrictive pericarditis

Pulsus bigeminus:Coupling of pulses seen in Alternate premature beat, AV block, SA node block with ventricular escape

Water hammer pulse: Increased stroke volume seen in Fever, pregnancy, alcoholism, anemia, beriberi, cor-pulmonale, cirrhosis, Paget’s disease, AV fistula, thyrotoxicosis, AR, PDA, rupture sinus of Valsalva, bradycardia, systolic hypertension

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